Owning your own home is about more than just being able to decorate any way you like. It’s about being prepared to maintain your home over the years, realizing that part of your income and time will go towards repairs and maintenance. It’s about being willing to take the risks of homeownership with a realistic expectation of the rewards.
Finding your dream home.
Amazing homes come to the market every day, but many are sold before they are advertised. We will help you beat other home buyers to the hottest new homes for sale in Sarnia-Lambton.

Our Guarantee
Your home will likely be the greatest financial investment you’ll ever make. With the help of a trained Real Estate Sales Representative, it can also be your wisest. Give yourself every opportunity to come out on top by working with a professional.

Get all of the Listings
New homes are hitting the real estate market every day. Exmouth Group provides contact with Sellers and other Representatives, to ensure you see all the newest listings, even if they're not made public. Buyers can often put in offers, with little to no competition, and walk away with an impressive deal on the property of their choice. Exmouth Group will make sure you only see the properties that meet your needs and investment preferences, saving you valuable time.
Inside Information
As you compare the best deals, Exmouth Group will provide you with important information about the home, its neighbourhood, zoning issues, utilities, and nearby plans for development.
Professionals on YOUR side
Many real estate transactions include an extensive negotiation process. We'll represent you and get the best deal possible. You can expect us to attend property inspections, ensure agreed-upon repair work is completed, and handle all the paperwork. We will help set up the financing for your investment and work directly with the professionals of your choice.
Get the Best Deal
Working with the dedicated professionals at Exmouth Group on your next home purchase will save you time and add professional assurance to every step of the process. With the guarantee of a solid investment, the decision could also make you more wealthy when it is time.
Get pre-approved today!
Exmouth Group has contacts at all major Canadian banks and credit unions. Follow the link to find more information on our trusted network.
We Cannot Wait to Find Your Dream Home!
Fill out the form below and we will get back to you personally with your best matches through our automated listing system.
When you see a home on Realtor.ca, that listing is already hours old. Being on our email list means you will be notified as soon as the Sarnia-Lambton real estate board uploads a new listing. This up-to-the-minute access gives you a jump start on your competition as a buyer.
Let’s Find Your Home!
Investments for Investors
We specialize in working with investors in Sarnia-Lambton and surrounding areas. Whether you are an investor with a portfolio of 10+ properties or are new to the investing world, Exmouth Group can help you. We have multiple investor clients looking to buy or sell and we specialize in working with investors in Southwestern Ontario and surrounding areas. We know the best locations throughout the city and are ready to negotiate the best deal for your properties.
If you would like more investment information, including current properties or sale evaluations, contact us!
Contact us

First Time Home Buying
Are you ready for home ownership?
If owning a home is your dream, we can ensure that you are prepared for everything that comes with it.
Let the professionals at Exmouth Group get you ready for home ownership. From perks like painting your walls and planting a garden, to the financial responsibilities of property taxes and home maintenance - preparing for home ownership is a path we can help you navigate.
Contact Us
Questions for Prospective Homeowners
Are you ready to buy?
How much can you afford?
It can be discouraging to find that your salary will not stretch as far as the home you want to own. However, sacrificing a huge part of your income just to pay the mortgage can very quickly make home ownership a burden rather than a point of pride. It is better to buy a modest home now and look at purchasing your “dream home” in a few years.
What are your debt to income ratios?
This is something that lenders take very seriously. Your Total Debt Service Ratio (GDSR) includes mortgage payment, property tax, utilities, and all other debt that you have. This amount should not represent any more than roughly 42% of your income. Your Gross Debt Service Ratio (GDSR) includes only your mortgage payment, property tax, and utilities. This amount should not represent any more than roughly 32% of your income. What 32% of your income represents in terms of purchasing power will help you figure out the geographic areas that you may want to consider.
What do you want?
Do you hate lawn maintenance, or love to grow a garden? Are you a city dweller, or do you enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside? These are the kinds of questions our Real Estate Agents ask, to make sure we find a home that’s right for you.
We can help!
You need a good sales representative who will work hard for you. Someone who is dedicated to helping you find the right home and at the right price. Exmouth Group wants you to find a home that will make you happy and successful in real estate ownership.
When you hire Exmouth Group to help you buy your first home, we want you to know what you want and how much you can afford. Then we will find a way to merge these two priorities and find a residence that you will enjoy owning.
Keep your objectives in mind when visiting a home. Sometimes the idea of owning a home can overwhelm your practical sense, so keep your feelings in check. Keep a list handy of the features that you need and want in a home, and judge each home by the list instead of by details that could distract you from your goal. When you are alone with your Exmouth Group Sales Representative, you can go over the pros and the cons of each home. We can help you stay on track while still keeping our eyes out for a great property.
Engage the services of an amazing Real Estate Lawyer. We can recommend several lawyers in the area who might be a good fit for your family’s needs. Interview them to ensure that you get someone you can work with. The legalities of transferring land ownership can be dodgy, and a lawyer is always your best defence against future legal troubles. An amazing Lawyer can charge a thousand dollars and more for their services, but the tens of thousands of dollars saved in legal fees later make this a good expense. As a first time home buyer in the Province of Ontario, you may be required to have your land transfer tax available in your bank account for closing but spending those funds is not realized on your first home purchase. You can expect to budget between 1%-1.5% on legal fees and closing costs.
See our Network of Professional page for details on our preferred Law Firms. <>
Make the offer. This can be a maze of “buyer”, “seller”, “chattels”, “deposit”, and “completion”, “clauses” or “conditions”. We are happy to prepare all of the documents and go through them in their entirety with you prior to submitting. Remember, the Seller may reject or counter your offer, so even at this late date, avoid setting your heart on the home you hope to own. You will also have to submit a deposit amount (generally between $500-$1000.00) to the Seller’s Brokerage that proves the seriousness of your offer.
Get all necessary inspections done before closing the transaction. We are happy to help you do this to ensure that everything agreed upon is completed prior to the final signing. While it is not a requirement to have a home inspection done, Exmouth Group always recommends you consider investing in the peace-of-mind so that there are no surprises after you take possession. In the competitive market that we have seen in the last couple of years, we may even recommend you have one completed prior to submitting your offer in an effort to remain competitive with anyone else who may also be submitting. The money invested here could save you thousands in the future.
You need an Exmouth Group Sales Representative! We are dedicated to working hard for you. We are the help you need to find the right home, at the best price, with the least amount of inconvenience to you. We want you to find a home that creates happy memories for you and your family. That, in turn, means successful Real Estate ownership.
From the first interview that determines your requirements to the moment that you receive the keys, we can help you with the complicated process of buying a home. Don’t hesitate to contact us (LINK) to find out more about how we can make the home buying process easier!
See our Network of Professionals page for details on our preferred mortgage professionals.
Exmouth Group Heroes
Real Discounts for our Heroes
We donate 5% of every commission, in our client's name, to one of these charitable organizations: Canadian Legion, The Bluewater Health Foundation, or VETS Canada.
In addition to this 5% donation, we will also reduce the listing commission by 1 full per cent to our Hometown Canadian Forces Active, or Veterans, Police Officers, Firefighters, Employed Caregivers, Nurses, EMT’s, and Teachers.
If you fall under the professions listed above and are looking to buy or sell a home then you qualify for our Exmouth Group Heroes program. Hero must mention Exmouth Group’s Heroes ad prior to signing a listing and cannot be combined with any other discount!

VIP Corporate Plus Discount Card
Every client of ours gets a free VIP Corporate Plus card, just to show how much we appreciate those who chose us. The VIP cards gets you access to hundreds of discounts that you can use locally.
Simply create an account at corporateplusclub.com, and begin your membership! Save more with the brands you know and love. Download the Corportate Plus mobile app so you can save on the go.
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